Sharpening your Interpersonal Skills

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A period of reflection for individuals and families who work cross culturally.

Partner with Us

Join us in Supporting Cross Cultural Workers and their children!

It's the act of togetherness rather than independence, that God calls us to journey together. MORE Network is a Canada-wide collaborative cooperative. Christ focused Mission organizations, Training & Resourcing organizations, Churches and Camps partner together to care for, nurture, and support cross-cultural workers and their children.  

The basic elements of becoming a MORE Network partner are quite simple; we invite partners to:  

  • commit to being actively involved in the MORE Network and/or the Canadian MK Network through one or more people giving of their time, ideas, and support. 
  • promote MORE Network and Canadian MK Network within your sphere of influence, including your ministry website(s).
  • give financially according to the MORE Network, based on your ministry size.
  • allow MORE Network to promote your ministry, indicating the relationship between us in on our pamphlets,  website, etc.
  • sign the Ministry Covenant indicating agreement to the vision, mission and core values of the MORE Network. 
  • If you are interested in finding out more about joining this amazing network, please contact the MORE Network National Team Leader, Paul Dyck at pdyck@outreach.ca

Why to network with us?

Our growing list of Partners, in alphabetical order:



Across Borders for World Evangelism Canada (ABWE)

Across Borders for World Evangelism Canada, is a missions agency who combined with their US counterpart, has more than 85 years of experience helping missionaries start relevant, effective, creative & adaptable ministries in more than 70 countries.

Africa Inland Mission Canada (AIM)

Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Our desire is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centered church communities. 

Aid to Special Saints In Strategic Times (ASSIST) Global

Aid to Special Saints In Strategic Times (A.S.S.I.S.T.) as a mission, we seek to partner with indigenous Christian ministries around the world in order to further the Kingdom of God. Through partnerships with local ministry groups and churches, ASSIST desires to show God’s Love and share God’s Word with those living in poverty stricken areas of the world.

Ambrose University

Ambrose University prepares men and women for wise, joyful and redemptive engagement in the church, society and the created order through excellent Christian post-secondary education.

At Ambrose, students can study arts, sciences and theology alongside professional disciplines such as education, business and Christian ministry. These different disciplines are united by the quest for knowledge, wisdom, virtue, and service.

Avant Ministries

Avant Ministries is an interdenominational, multinational missionary sending organization that has focused on planting and developing churches in the unreached areas of the world since the 1890's. We define "unreached" as places where less than two percent of the population is evangelical Christian. Avant trains, sends and serves missionaries in 50 countries globally.

Baptist General Conference (BGC)

Baptist General Conference (BGC) vission is Building a mission of churches that make disciples who live and spread the gospel of Jesus Christin ther communities, Canada and the Nations.

Blue Bronna

The focus of Blue Bronna has always been sharing the power and majesty of God through a wilderness camping experience. Join us for the adventure of your choice to get away from the busyness and distractions of life so that you can experience the beautiful mountains and nature around you while enjoying peace and serenity of a wilderness adventure.

Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM)

At Canadian Baptist Ministries, we are committed to responding to the brokenness of our world through God’s love, expressed in both word and deed. Our response to the love of God and his mission is rooted in the fact that he first loved us, and as a sign of our gratitude to him, we willingly and enthusiastically accept his invitation to join him in his shalom – peace with justice.

Christar International

The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped.
Christ-honoring transformation speaks to the process as well as the outcome. In the establishment of indigenous churches, we pursue a Christ-honoring influence on the community at large. As workers who partner with God in His work, we are a part of the transformation process that God is bringing about. 

Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA)

The Christian and Missionary Alliance (the C&MA) in Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches across Canada that aims to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused movement in everything we do. Our ultimate goal is to fulfill the Great Commission and bring Matthew 24:14 to fruition: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Clear Marketing Inc.

Clear Marketing is a Christian Canadian business that provides a wide variety of innovative and quality promotional products for our different workshops and retreats. They have won several awards and its owner, Jay Everett, it's always happy to help create meaningful impact.


We are a formative community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces. Most of the billions of unreached people live in bustling cities where great need and great opportunity await. Wherever people have the fewest opportunities to experience Jesus, that’s where we want to be.

Emmanuel Bible College

Born out of a growing need for qualified personnel for regional and international Christian ministries, the College was founded in January 1940. From its small beginning in Stouffville (near Toronto), the College moved to its first campus on the site of downtown Kitchener's Centre in the Square and then in 1964 to its present beautiful maple grove campus in eastern Kitchener. Presently about 500 students take courses each year.

Evangelical Free Church of Canada Missions

Every local church, denomination, and ministry organization is a part of, and carries some responsibility in, the work of the Kingdom.  As a part of that Body of Christ, the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) desires to fulfill its particular calling in the work of the Kingdom.  The EFCC will seek to live out our calling to be a New Community in Christ, reflecting the fullness of His vision for the Kingdom of God “on earth as it is in heaven.”  We will do this by putting aside the prevailing values of our time and replacing them with the radical demands of the gospel of God’s grace.

Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC)

The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC) is a family of churches across Canada organized to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our EMCC National Team coaches, catalyzes, resources, and networks Great Commission EMCC congregations, leaders and followers of Jesus.

Fellowship Baptists International

Fellowship International exists to catalyze disciple-making movements in strategic populations by empowering nationals.We have over 100 Fellowship Chaplains ministering to people in all walks of life. Our Francophone ministry seeks to reach 7 million Canadians needing the gospel through Francophone church planting.

Frontiers Canada

With love and respect, we invite all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.We exist to inspire transformational movements to Christ within unengaged Muslim people groups by sending teams to catalyze change, because even the most uncharted frontiers need Jesus.

Global Harvest Beyond

Global Harvest is the missions division of ACOP of Canada. We envision the good news of Jesus Christ being spread throughout the world by making disciples of all nations. We intend to achieve this vision by giving priority to reaching those who have little or no access to the gospel with the belief that they will inevitably become disciples who will reach out and make more disciples.

Great Commission Foundation (GCF)

The Great Commission Foundation (GCF) is a team of skilled administrative and accounting personnel dedicated to using their talents and expertise to enable people to follow God’s calling to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by providing donor, administrative, and compliance expertise.

Greater Europe Mission (GEM)

Greater Europe Mission Canada is part of a global mission to multiply disciples and grow Christ’s Church. We empower and equip Canadians to reach the world through strategic ministry partnerships in Europe.

His Secret Place

His Secret Place, a Ministry to Missionaries (M2M) is an international retreat specially designed for God's servants feeling burnout or disheartened, to equip, encourage, empower and refresh them (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) to cause a renewed passion for missions as they witness the restoration and strengthening only possible in Christ's rest. (Matthew 11:28-29).
Since its inception in September of 2009, it takes place annually in late Summer, at Newfoundland's International Heritage Site, Gros Morne National Park.

International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC)

International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC) is a ministry in Canada focused on ministering to international students, empowering them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus and to reach out and minister to those God has placed in their lives, whether in Canada or in their home country.


At Interserve we seek to serve the neediest peoples of Asia and the Arab world by loving the whole person through word and deed. We are an international and interdenominational organization that serves in partnership with the local church. We currently enjoy members of our Fellowship from over 20 nationalities serving in over 35 national contexts.

Jaffray Centre

The Jaffray Centre is an integration point for global initiatives at Ambrose University. A combination incubator/greenhouse of sorts where new ideas, collaborative initiatives and fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission are nurtured. Through collaborative project development, training and research projects, we seek to rekindle and ignite a passion for God’s unending concern for people.

Mission + Service Connections (MSC) Canada

The early focus of Mission + Service Connections (MSC), efficiently moving funds and providing trustworthy financial services, remains a core part of what we do. However, in recent years, our overseas worker care and communication with supporters and local churches across Canada have been significantly increased. Over the course of the 75 years since, the role of MSC Canada has expanded into a full expression of what we now call Local Church Driven Missions – a biblical methodology and model for missionary work. MSC exists to enable local churches to assess, prepare, commend, and support their own mission workers.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Canada

Our vision is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ. We serve together to bring help, hope, and healing through aviation. Our flights carry medical supplies, Bibles, building materials, and emergency food in times of crisis. They also transport national pastors, teachers, relief workers, and doctors and healthcare workers who conduct medical clinics for people who would otherwise never see a doctor.

Mission Global (ex P.A.O.C. International Missions)

Mission Global's mission is to glorify God by making disciples across cultural boundaries, by proclaiming and practising the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mission Global mobilizes Canadians internationally and catalyzes a Spirit-empowered movement of disciple makers and church planters. To partner with us means to partner with a movement marked by compassion, to participate in the Mission of God for just and sustainable individual and community transformation.



MissionGO exists to see the Gospel shared throughout the whole world. We are a missionary sending agency whose purpose is to facilitate the North American church in sending those who are “called” to overseas missionary service. Through training, coaching, member care, communication platforms, and administration, the MissionGO team provides a suite of services to assist career and short-term missionaries to pursue what God has put on their hearts.


MissionPREP is a Canadian based organization committed to enhancing the long-term effectiveness of Christians serving in cross-cultural mission.  We offer interactive training programs for the whole family in three areas: cross-cultural life & ministry (IMPACT), language acquisition strategies (PLANTS),  and debriefing the missionary experience (RE-VIEW).


At Multiply, we inspire, equip, and encourage the body of Christ to multiply healthy disciples and churches. We praise God for over 150 years of global mission engagement and a vast network of fruitful partnerships worldwide. Our strategy is to facilitate church planting locally, nationally, and globally, simply because church-planting teams produce the most fruit. 

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM)

NCEM exists to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and related people groups. Our vision is that "By faith to establish strong indigenous multiplying churches."

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) Canada

OMF is serving the church, sharing the gospel. OMF partners with 2,500+ workers from over 40 nations to serve more than 100 East Asian people groups. We support the growth of the East Asian church, serve its communities and take the good news of Jesus to people that have not heard it.


Pioneers has one purpose: to go into regions where few people have ever had the opportunity to hear of Jesus and His great salvation, and tell the story of His amazing love. “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3

SEND International Canada

SEND International of Canada is a multi-denominational evangelical mission agency. As a part of SEND International, SEND Canada exists to serve Canadians by encouraging and facilitating their participation in global missions toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-19).

Serving In Mission (SIM) Canada

The vision of Serving In Mission (SIM) is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities, and Christ-centred churches among all peoples. Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.

Teach Beyond Canada

We believe that education is an effective catalyst bringing hope to individuals and positive transformation to communities. We follow our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging with the needs of this world – physical, relational, and spiritual. Our teachers use their skills and contexts to bring Christ’s light and healing to all – children, adults, leaders, and mission workers alike.

Trans World Radio (TWR)

Three billion people listen to the radio every week. Two billion have never heard the gospel. Since 1954, radio and other forms of media have given us unique opportunities to share the good news of Jesus in places like China, the Middle East and across the world. We partner with more than 120 missions-minded ministries to create and distribute content in 300+ languages all over the world. God has equipped us at TWR with media to carry out that call as we add new facilities, technologies, and forms of media to expand our gospel reach. We believe that this is just the beginning.

Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC) International

WEC (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) is a multicultural, interdenominational missions agency. WEC’s goal is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the least-evangelized peoples of the world so that people come to a living faith in Jesus Christ, to disciple these believers and see churches established that will in turn make disciples in their communities and beyond.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

At Wycliffe Bible Translators we have the mission of ending Bible poverty by facilitating the translation of God’s Word among minority language communities worldwide. Our Vision is a world where translated Scriptures lead to transformed lives among people of all languages.