What We Do
Care & Support for You on Your Journey
The MORE Network operates as a network of like-minded Canadian Christ-centered organizations committed to proactively providing member care to each others’ cross-cultural workers and their children. We are comprised of mission-sending and training organizations, churches, and a host of individuals. Together we agree to work collaboratively and collegially with each other, giving freely of our gifts and abilities (counseling, debriefing, nurturing, training, administration) as God has gifted us.
If your are looking for our current Annual Report or our Ministry plan, please click the corresponding items below:
Please watch the video below as Paul Dyck explains the MORE Network:
MORE Network Vision, Mission, Strategy & Values:

Our Vision:
We see the Body of Christ across Canada collaborating towards the growth and flourishing of Cross-Cultural Workers and Third-Culture Kids.

Our Mission:
Together building a network of partnerships to serve Cross-Cultural Workers and Third-Culture Kids.

Our Strategy:
- Engaging the Body of Christ across Canada
- Collaborating in a Christ-like way
- Facilitating the growth and flourishing of Cross-Cultural Workers
- Facilitating the growth and flourishing of Third-Culture Kids

Our Core Values:
1 Global Prayer: The Sovereign Creator God grants us the privilege to join in His mission, extending His glory globally through lives of prayer.
- We will praise God for who He is, as Lord of the Nations.
- We will thank Jesus for what He has done on the cross and how He has provided for us.
- We will seek wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in both our day-to-day decisions and planning for our future.
- We will ensure that prayer permeates all that we do - it is not an afterthought.
2 Genuine Relationships: A close relationship with God results in the very best kind of relationships with others. As relationships grow, ministry grows.
- We will work with the understanding that the Great Commission and the Great Commandment are inseparable.
- We will honor God and others.
- We will encourage friendship and togetherness in Christ.
- We will seek the synergy of long-lasting partnerships joined to mutual accountability.
3 Gracious Encouragement: God has called us to “be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.” (Hebrews 10:24 - GNT)
- We will treat each other with grace, even as grace has been extended to us through Christ.
- We will recognize the God-given value of each team member and of each person we serve.
- We know that our purpose is to raise the standard of member care in whatever place we touch.
- We seek to inspire Cross-Cultural Workers, TCKs, our staff, volunteers, and network partners to be all that God created them to be, and to find their strengths and serve within them.
4 Generous Collaboration: As God’s stewards, we will serve collaboratively in fulfilling the mission that Jesus has given us.
- We know that we need the gifts and insights of each other to strengthen our mutual calling.
- We will not compete! We believe that we are stronger together, submitting to each other in trust, vulnerability and transparency.
- We take risks in lovingly challenging each other, committed to working through differences in a safe environment.
Interested in seeing our latest Annual Report? Please go HERE.