Many of us have been through the experiences of life overseas and the return to Canada. We understand the need for support. We offer the opportunity for you to connect with other cross-cultural workers who are going through the same life experiences. In a supportive, caring environment we connect you with experienced and qualified personnel who will capably support you through your transition journey. We're here for you.
Please reach out to us. (
Praying is such a subtle but powerful thing to do! One of the greatest gifts we give is when we pray for one another. We’ll connect you where a local chapter exists for you to join and pray together. Online prayer sessions are also available for when a local chapter is not accessible, or forwhen you’d rather keep physical distance.
Please go HERE or contact our prayer team ( to be part of this.
We are always doing something! In the retreats, workshops or events we offer, we are always looking for those who will present, teach and train others, as well as help in key areas. All of this draws us together as we celebrate God's love made evident through His work in our lives.
For more information, or if there is someone you would like to recommend to us please contact Mike Fietje (
Most of our staff raise support enabling them to serve others through this ministry. We give to this ministry ourselves, while inviting you to consider joining us in supporting this work. By giving, you help and positively impact the lives of so many. In their name we say THANK YOU.
You can go HERE or contact Donor Services ( for more information.
We believe
Stronger Together is the way to go. We invite sending churches and mission organizations to join the MORE Network, partnering in this beautiful work. More is accomplished when we work together. We witness the hand of God in all we do. While we are not surprised, we are humbled and in awe as we witness organizations willing to join together in this way. We are grateful for the gift of networking with like-minded people and invite you to let us know of your interest.
Go HERE to see a list of our existing Partners and please contact Paul Dyck ( for more information.
We are grateful that you are considering to bring your God's given gifts and expertise to join forces with us in
this wonderful and fullfilling ministry.
Go HERE to see a list of our existing openings and please contact Paul Dyck ( for more information.
We know your time is precious and as such, we are so grateful you are considering us to be the recipients of it. We promise you that, if you decide to donate a little -or a lot- of your beautiful God given skills to this ministry, we know it will bring you a warm sense of belonging, camaraderie and a lot of fulfillment.
Please contact us ( for more information.
Receiving the right information
at the right time is crucial to avoid missing an opportunity for either yourself or the people you care for.
Please click HERE to see which of our subscription lists you would like to be on.
Help MORE help more by spreading the word about our events. Download MORE Network events marketing materials and send them out to people in your network. Thank you!
Please click HERE to go to our Marketing Materials page. THANK YOU!