Transition Retreats for cross-cultural workers & TCKs, workshops for Member Care workers, resources for all!
A period of reflection for individuals and families who work cross culturally.
Sharpening your Interpersonal Skills
Learn how to sharpen your interpersonal skills.
More MKs testimonies of their experience at Classic ReBoot.
I was able to express how I really felt. I think home for me will always be in East Asia. It’s where I grew up and where I feel most ‘at home.’ Yet, it pains me to say that I don’t feel I will ever belong there completely.” Many of us MKs feel the same way. We’re returning “home” to the foreign, sometimes unnerving, land of Canada. ReBoot helped ease my transition by offering us a crash course in Canadian culture and provided us the chance to meet and befriend other MKs.
I expected to be able to relate to Canadians, to easily relate to them given the lack of language barrier. But, once I landed I found that wasn’t the case at all. I found I was in agony to be so lost, confused, and feeling socially awkward. But I didn’t have to face these struggles alone. ReBoot connected me with others working through the same issues and helped me let go of the perceived need to prove myself. Reboot explained me. I realized this was not the end of us but rather some uncomfortable experiences with a positive future.
Classic ReBoot Testimonies
Classic ReBoot - A Personal Reflection
C.R. What MKs are saying
What MKs are saying... (Part II)
ReBoot Interviews