Thank you for wanting to register!

Since our different registrations are open or closed depending on when we run each program -and if there are spaces still available- we don't list them in our web-site all year round.

Please contact for direction as to how to register.

Thank you for your continued support!





Donate to the MORE Network

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From the list above select a ministry focus for your donation.



Who We Are: Our Story

The MORE Network is a Canada-wide network that exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition. We facilitate care for singles, couples and families, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment, and facilitate the resourcing of member care support staff. 

How did we get started? How has God been moving?

Read more

We are very happy that you decided to join us!
See you there!




Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Trainings, fundraisers, MK transition retreats, family transition retreats—the MORE Network sponsors and runs events throughout the year. Explore what is on the horizon for you so you can plan to join us or for someone you know so you can share the good news!

See All Events

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