Pre-registration for RE-VIEW West 2025 is not open yet.
For RE-VIEW East, please go to MissionPREP.
If you would like more information, please contact us at re-view@outreach.ca.
👉 To be announced.
👉 To be announced.
A period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition.
Opportunity is given to process the missionary journey with experienced cross-cultural workers who care and to gain perspective on the next phase of life. RE-VIEW has been developed to provide insight on topics such as transition, grief, loss, stress and burnout, among others. There is also group and individual debriefing.

The importance of Third Party Debriefing
Missionaries transitioning from living cross-culturally have stories of joys and challenges. Debriefing their experience honors God’s call by recognizing and celebrating His fingerprints along the journey. A third party debriefing will provide the extra time, experience and confidentiality that missionary organizations may not be able to offer. As well, sharing and learning with other transitioning missionaries in a small group setting has proven to be very enriching.

What to Expect at a RE-VIEW retreat or event
We offer you:
You will be given an opportunity to:
Reflect on your cross-cultural experience.
Share your story.
Meet with other missionaries in transition.
Learn from experienced missionaries.
Participate in one-on-one debriefing sessions.
Enjoy the comfort of small groups.
Think ahead prayerfully.
Fully process your experience as a single, a couple or a family.
If you have children or youth, for them to be debriefed in a specialized program.
Worship, pray & fellowship.
A "review" of RE-VIEW
Please enjoy this one minute interview of both providers and attendees about RE-VIEW:

To be announced for 2025.

Please use the table below showing the prices for 2024. As customary with our organization, if the cost is a concern, please let us know.
Fees include room-and-board, instruction and materials. Please contact us about subsidies if you have more than two children.
Adult |
(17+ years old) |
$1100 |
Youth |
(12 to 16 years old) |
$750 |
Child |
(3 to 11 years old) |
$750 |
Nursery |
(0 to 2 years old) |
$750 |

The locations for 2025 will be announced. Below are the locations for 2024 and are left for reference only.
Guelph Bible Conference Center, Guelph ON (Feb) (cancelled)
Heritage College & Seminary, Cambridge, ON (July)
Rivers Edge Camp, Water Valley (one hour north of Calgary), AB (November)

Pre registrations are not open yet for RE-VIEW West 2025.

RE-VIEW brochure (East & West for 2024)
Click on the download icon of the viewer to get a printable .pdf copy of our 2024 brochure.