Who We Are
The MORE Network: A collaborative of Canada-wide organizations supporting CCWs and Third Culture Kids (TCKs) in cross-cultural transition and Member Care Workers.
Our Story
Our journey began in the summer of 2011 when God raised up groups of like-minded people across Canada to meet and discuss Missionary Member Care & Missionary Kid (MK) Member Care. At a meeting in Banff, AB many shared the challenges of providing Member Care alone, and the idea of a Network for sharing training, information and resources between all was birthed. This same summer, groups in eastern Canada and western Canada began meeting to discuss how to better support Canadian MKs. As core groups began to form across the country, much prayer, brainstorming and discernment of God’s leading surrounded these two emerging ministry ideas.
In the summer of 2012, the western Canada group invited Paul Dyck, an adult MK in the process of support raising for Member Care Ministry, to lead their vision for MK support with the launch of the Canadian Missionary Kid Network (CMKN). The CMKN was launched in November with the primary goals of building an organization that was sustainable, and creating a re-entry retreat for college-aged MKs repatriating to Canada.
As this ministry has continued to grow, our goals have expanded beyond our work with MK’s to include training, nurturing and resources for whole missionary families in transition as well as member care support staff. The title of Canadian Missionary Kid Network no longer fit with this larger mandate, and so was born the MORE Network (Missionary Opportunities for Resourcing and Equipping). While the ministry of the CMKN continues it has become one part of the broader ministry of the MORE Network.
Right from its beginnings as the CMKN, it was apparent that sustaining this ministry could not be done on our own. We would need the active support and participation of key Canadian missions sending and training organizations; hence the creation of a network. As of the end of 2022, thirty three organizations have joined the network. The strength of this ministry is in the cooperation of people associated with many organizations Canada-wide, willingly working together, doing what we have not been able to do alone. In humility, in mutual submission, we serve together.